Austin's Premier Boudoir Photographer is proving Boudoir photography can be sexy, fun, beautiful and classy!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Austin Boudoir Photographer | Miss B

Austin, Texas

Miss B has an amazing story. This strong little fighter has been through two major transplant surgeries and unfortunately has more in her future. You would think she would be "glass half empty" but she's the exact opposite!! She is so gorgeous, so fun, so silly!!! ha ha ha We really had the best time and I feel honored to know her.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Austin Boudoir Photographer | Last Minute BOUDOIR-A-THON

Austin, Texas

Super Last Minute BOUDOIR-A-THON

When I get a new set, I get SO excited about it that I want to shoot it all different ways and I'm very impatient! ;) The new set hasn't been revealed yet so you will be the first to rock it.
All products are available for purchase after your shoot. Did I mention you will also get everyone's favorite product* free with your purchase!?!

Have questions? please email me 
Ready to book? email me with the time slot you'd like to reserve

*free product will be revealed when you book your session :) 
-not valid with any other offers
-hair and make-up not available